
Ariana Planning Live Chat + Reaches 1.9M Followers

00.11 Anonim 0 Comments

Ariana tweeted alot of info and news in the past few hours, firstly, Ari tweeted that she spent the day making skits for Victorious website, theslap.com . heres the tweet-

Ari also tweeted that she has just reached 1.9 Million followers on twitter, her followers are growing thousands everyday, (she has gotten around 1.5 thousand followers since she reached 1.9 Million (3 hours ago)). Ariana deserves every single of her 1.9 Million followers, here is the tweet-

And most recently, Ari tweeted that she will be having a live chat this week, she will give out the details as soon as she knows them, she said that she is also working on a new cover, heres the twee-

Ari recently posted a pic from the Universal Orlando Resort where she stayed with the Victorious cast over the weekend for their Orlando show, the boats and water look beautiful, don't you think?

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